Friday, October 10, 2008

somebody's gonna cry tonight

I can't wait til next summer!

I was talking to my aunt last night and things at her place are so great right now! Her kids are so smart and amazing, I can't wait to see them! But the main reason I can't wait to go is to see my best friend's mom. His mom is morbidly obese and she recently had surgery to have a band placed around her stomach, I can't think of the name right now but my aunt was telling me how a man in the waiting room yesterday had his band put on in July and had already lost 71 pounds! I can not wait for her to be healthy!! Of all the years I've known her, literally all 20 years of my life, she's always been obese and it's going to be so nice to see her healthy! She's one of the nicest women I've ever met, and has a hard life and she totally deserves this. My aunt put it perfectly when she said 'The surgery was expensive but if it's between a new car and your life, there's only one proper choice to make' and she's so right. I can't imagine the struggles and obstacles she goes through just doing everyday tasks carrying all that extra weight. I'm so ridiculously proud of her!

On a less happy note, I've got a STATS mid term in less than 2 hours, and I'm not sure how prepared I am. I've gone over the review questions, I've legitimately tried to study, but I can't seem to do it. Stats is just so boring, so tedious and I know it's something I'm not going to use in the real life after college that I'm so anti-work right now. Although really, I'm quite anti-all my classes right now. They all suck. I can't wait to graduate in June! It can't come fast enough!

Well, I suppose I should go look over my notes a couple more times, even though it probably will not do much good, haha.

♥, B

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone in my family got gastric bypass surgery (not sure if it's the same thing that you're talking about) not long ago and has had amazing results with it as well!

All the best to your friends mother