Friday, October 24, 2008


I first heard 'Good Morning Starshine' while watching the movie 'Hair' and really liked it, but I've recently stumbled across Serena Ryder's version of the song and it makes me like the song even more. This movie reminds me of him, just because it's one of his favorite movies.

It's Matt's birthday next weekend, and I really want to go to Halifax to see him but I don't really want to see him. And I can't believe that after so many months, I'm still not completely over it. It's kind of sad. I mean, I'm over what happened, I'm over wanting a relationship, but I don't think I could handle seeing him with someone else. Maybe I just like to think I'm over it. Although I don't know why I wouldn't be, I mean we've hardly talked since June except for occassionally on facebook but I don't know. Urgh, I hate talking about him all the time and there's things I want to say, but can't even bring myself to type the words.

Life throws you curveballs sometimes and I wish this was one I knew how to handle, and throw right back. Maybe I just need someone new in my life. Maybe I just need a change of scenery. Who knows at this point, all I know is that I'm sick of feeling this way.

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