Friday, October 3, 2008


I feel like I should be blogging about things.
Not just 'school sucks' 'i hate this town' and stuff like that.

I feel like there's important issues to blog about and that my insight would/could be valuable .. even though no one reads this blog, haha.

(As a little side note, if you read this, could you leave a little anonymous comment letting me know, just so I know I'm not blogging for the little elves inside this shittastic laptop)

So let's see what's in the news today!
  • Debates - Canadian: Okay, I watched about 10 minutes of it and the agression and childish feeling I got from the whole thing was unreal. They were arguing like children. And poor Mr. Harper was getting the shit end of the deal .. Which he should because he sucks as Prime Minister and we definitely need a change. I'll refrain from posting my political views in lue of avioding arugments ... just know that I'm very anti-conservative and will not be voting that way.
    - American: I didn't watch this debate but I follow twitter and read the news enough to know that Sarah Palin is a moron and should not be VP. And secondly, after reading the news about the views and opinions of John McCain, I truely believe that he should not be President. I really hope to God that he doesn't get elected into office. The US economy is already fucked because of Republicans. There needs to be a change everywhere.
  • Global Warming - No one can tell me that global warming is not in effect, and that we should not be worried about it. This is such a big deal right now, I do not understand why more is not being done. There are websites after websites letting people know how they can make a difference and most of the time, it saves us money! Why would you not want to take two seconds to unplug things when you're not using them? Your power bills will thank you, I promise! There are so many simple things you can do to help save more energy and therefore do your part in saving our planet. It's the only one we've got people, let's take care of it.
And I think that's all for today. I started thinking about talking about giving blood and how I'm unable to now, and a couple other things but I realized I would just be ranting and freaking out and just thinking about that right now is almost giving me an anxiety attack .. aka, not fun.

So, until next time ... leave me a comment if you read!


Anonymous said...

Did you mean "Sarah Palin is a moron and should not only not be VP but John McCain should not be President"?

bradjmh said...

Yes, Yes I did. haha, thanks for pointing that out! : )

Anonymous said...

I guess these comments mean that more people read this blog of yours than you had originally thought?