Friday, January 9, 2009


Have you ever wanted to talk about something but feel like you can't because of where you live, who you're friends with and what they would have to say in retaliation?

There's a lot I want to talk about, not only on here but also on talky-blogs on youtube but I feel that because I live in this shithole, and people from here ARE watching my videos, that I have to watch what I say.

I don't mean 'Omg, I'm so famous here', what I mean is that a former teacher of mine displayed one of my videos to her entire 10th grade class one day in December. And people I never thought would watch them, have seen them. Again, I'm not saying YouTube is going to call me tomorrow and be their spokesperson, but I feel like there are issues that I can't talk about.

I would love to talk about homophobia in this area, the way I'm treated when I go out to a certain 'club', and the people who make me feel like I'm less of a person. But I also want to talk about the people who love and support me, the ones who accept me and the ones who make me feel like I'm just like everyone else.

Maybe I will gain the courage to speak about those topics one day... I really hope I do. Being treated like a second-class citizen is not right. Being belittled, made fun of, told off, threatened, is not right. I'm just like everyone else, the only difference between me and Joe the Plumber is that I'd rather wake up to a man lying with me.

I think I'm going to have to do a gay-themed talky-blog soon. There's a lot I need to get off my chest.


1 comment:

rejazz said...

Honey, just do it. There's no sense in keeping quiet about yourself. That's what a blog [or a vlog] is for, right? What's the sense in writing and pretending when you're not getting what you need out of the writing? It's not worth it. Do it. You've got my support, for whatever it's worth. I love you.