Monday, November 24, 2008

no need to say goodbye

Wow, how quickly I forget about blogs.

Sorry I haven't been blogging a whole lot lately. Trying to juggle end of term coming up, having test after test and assignments due like crazy and working 15-20 hours a week at BP is getting the best of me. I've hardly got time for myself, let alone blogging.

My lack of me time is starting to show, which is why I've got to fit in more gym time this week, haha. Gotta make sure I look sexy for Cuba in March.

Also, I feel horrible but I'm flip flopping between host families for next year and it makes me sick to even think about. I don't know who to choose, where to know, how to apply for visas, how much money to start saving and I really think I've started looking too early. Like 4 or 5 months too early. Eff.

Hopefully things will work themselves out!

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