Monday, March 16, 2009

busy busy

Holy lord.
For someone who hasn't posted a blog in like a month, I do not have a whole lot to report! Things have been pretty quiet over here, with school & work taking over a majority of my life.
I've also started dating a great guy, S, and while I'm not sure where it's going, I'm really enjoying his company and having someone there for me. We're not the most compatible, actually we're almost extreme opposites, but we're trying. He opened up to me last night after having a horrible Saturday and if you follow me on twitter you'll know why. He's made the decision to stop drinking so much and asked for my help which really caught me off guard. It's not like I have never been asked for someone's help, but with something like this ... with someone who's 27, it just really hit me on how much trust he's putting into this already. I don't mind helping, even if it means just not drinking myself. I don't even like to get drunk anymore, haha, I get too sloppy (i.e. drunk twittering, drunk phoning, drunk texting .. usually all around the same time). I kind of feel like we've been moving too fast but at the same time there are aspects of our relationship that are going slow and it's amazing. It's all just new and almost refreshing and different and at this point in my life, different is good.


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