Thursday, July 24, 2008


I've started thinking about my life and what I want to do with it and the people who truely matter. Over the last couple years since high school, I've lost and gained so many friends and the ones that have stuck around I know will be there for a good long time, and I'm truely gratiful to each and every one of them. Each of them has made an impact on my life, whether it'd be negative or positive but they have all shown me things and taught me things I wouldn't have found out about if situations were different.

'What ifs' have been running through my mind for a couple days. What if I had went back to Memorial this past academic year? Would I still be friends with Jennifer? Would have I become close to Christopher? Would I be here, in Toronto, having the time of my life? And of course, all of those statement produce they're own set of 'what ifs' and it's just a vicious cycle from there.

I'm so lucky to have made the right choices so far for me. Some of the choices sucked at the time, but when really thinking about them, I've come to conclude that I've done what's best for me, and in the end, I need to focus on me, my needs, my wants and my future. The supporting actors & actresses in my life are just as important in the play of my life but in the end, the focus is on the main character, me. I need to do what's right for me and just hope that everything turns out the way I hope it will.

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