Saturday, January 10, 2009


I just woke up. and yes it's after 3pm, stop judging.

Anyway, I had the craziest dream! I don't remember all the details but this is what I do remember:

- I was by my neighbours house and somehow there was ground beef everywhere on the ground and I was feverishly trying to clean it up because that day was two things; According to African legends, it was the day of mice, where all the mice came out and were every where and ate everything and according to Zimbabwean legends, it was the day of the fleas where fleas come out everywhere.

- Then I ended up in the kitchen of an old restaurant. I was talking with the cooks and then went out in the dinning room, where there was no tables, just people standing around drinking beer.

- Then there were sirens like crazy and we saw a helicopter land on the Centenial bridge and all these army cars and people come up after it and cross the bridge.

- Then I ended up at someone's house and everyone was dressed in prom attire and I was going with Emily and she was wearing this big pink dress and she wanted to go this movie and I refused to and she got really mad. Then Emily turned into Jennifer and we fought all the way to the movies and she spilt sweet and sour sauce on my leg and that made me even more mad.

- And then I woke up.

There were other parts, something about old people and an old saloon where I was holding a baby and a dog but I'm not really sure how those parts go.

But yah, superrrr random. lol


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