Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Breathing New Life

So, Everytime I start a blog, I never stick with it.
And I mean never. I've have countless blogs all over the blogosphere, none of which have lasted longer than a year. Mostly because I don't get any feedback, and don't know if anyone reads or cares about what I write.

But now, I kind of think I'd like to just write/blog for me. Yes, If you're reading this, thank you and I appreciate your feedback!!, but this blog is mine, and I should write because I want to, not because I want someone to read it.

So, I'm hereby stating that I'm going to try to keep this blog alive. To blog about my life, the things & people involved and all the going-ons of my life. Names will be changed, just to protect the innocent parties, unless of course I get their permission but the places will all be real. The name changing thing is also to kind of protect myself, as of course I won't know who reads this.

But anyway, I'm starting to ramble, and I've got to finish some things for my Marketing class.
If there's anyone reading this right now, thank you and keep reading!


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